Harvard Crimson editor reveals the current intellectual worth of that institution’s student body

and women mustn’t teach the history of mankind

While people mustn’t teach black history.

Self-flagellating twit Ian Svetkey (pictured) is troubled.

“As a straight, cisgender, white man from an upper-middle-class family, I come from an awful lot of privilege ….

“This lack of lived experience means I have to be careful when talking about injustice.I can, and should, educate myself on the topic — oppressed people shouldn’t bear the sole responsibility of teaching others about their trauma.” ….

[R]egardless of how qualified white professors are, I really don’t think they should be teaching classes explicitly focused on the experiences of other racial or ethnic groups. Of course, these topics need to be taught, and at a less-well-funded school, a white teacher might be the only person available. 

….. “As someone who’s never faced discrimination, I ask those in my position to understand our shared lack of experience, and therefore to be more cognizant of when to talk and when to shut up — even when it’s easy to keep talking,” he wrote.

“Because the only people who can truly understand prejudice are those who have been on the wrong side of it,” Svetkey wrote. “There are many things I can and should do with the platform my privilege affords me. Telling someone else’s story for them is not one of those things.”

Ian clearly has no story of his own to tell, just a stream of vomitous stuffed down his eager throat by woke teachers, so maybe he’ll just shut up for the next fifty years and we’ll never hear from him again. Nah, he’s a “Harvard Man”, so he’ll be down in Washington soon, sucking up and blending in.