As the last bulwark against mob rule is attacked, the White House cheers
/A deliberate leak of a draft opinion, the first time that has occurred in the history of the Supreme Court, and an act deliberately intended to stir up the mob against “conservative” justices on the court; the doxxing of those same justices’ home addresses and a call to demonstrate outside their homes, in violation of Virginia law * in order to intimidate them, and the White House sees nothing to condemn.
Alito won’t be swayed or shaken by all this, but is the country as strong? Its enemies on the left hope not.
Mike Davis, a former U.S. Senate advisor to the Judiciary Committee and now with the Article III Project, wrote, “it’s clearly obstruction of justice, under the U.S. Code, to send protesters to federal judges’ homes to attempt to influence their decisions on pending cases. It is also very dangerous — even deadly — to reveal the home addresses of federal judges.”
He’s incredibly smart. What’s good about justice Alito is he does not give a damn about public opinion nor should he. As Supreme Court justices they have lifetime tenure, they have pay protection. They’re intentionally insulated from public opinion because their job is to protect minority rights to protect all of us, giving equal protection under the law, all due process of the law, even the unpopular among us. Especially among us. So he doesn’t give a damn about the polls of the American people. He’s the perfect person to draft this opinion.
And the White House? Its wind-up lackey provides the official response to these threats to the Court: “good on them”.
*Turns out, it violates federal law, too. Will Biden’s FBI and Federal Marshalls be out in force at these demonstrations, arresting the violators? Uh huh.