This is not necessarily good news; quite the contrary, in fact, because if Putin goes, there are even worse people ready to step in

more of the same, only more so?

Russian generals vent against Putin

Dissension in the ranks may be bad for Putin, but look at what these people are complaining about: their Dear Leader hasn’t done enough damage to Ukraine.

The pair also takes aim at the military leadership they say the Kremlin has put in charge in Ukraine.

“Shoigu has assembled all these fucked up [Emergency Situations] guys… if we have head of inspection Colonel-General [Pavel] Plat, fuck, he’s never even served in the army…” Vlasov said.

“They’ve brought forth a whole stellar cast of bootlickers. That [Alexander} Dvornikov is a legend of fuckery… He’s the one who thought up this ‘anti-Banderov push,’” he said, apparently referring to the Kremlin’s narrative about Ukrainians all being neo-Nazis.

“Well, basically, he’s fucking washed up, a brain-dead idiot,” he said.

Kovtun, complaining that Russian forces haven’t been ruthless enough in their assault on Ukraine, blasts Putin personally for Moscow’s retreat from Kyiv.

“A fucking rocket should fly into the Verkhovna Rada [Ukraine’s Parliament] in Kyiv. That’s it, fuck it. Why didn’t [a rocket] fucking fly? I don’t fucking get it, you’re fucked, Putin—motherfucker! Why didn’t a rocket fly into Kyiv, so they’d think… fuck, yes, for fuck’s sake there’s something wrong... something hasn’t been done the right way.”

And over at HotAir, this tidbit:

Russian lawmaker: I estimate there are two million Ukrainian Nazis whom we'll need to eliminate

On Russian state TV, they discuss not only what it would take to destroy the United States, but also how many Ukrainians have to be massacred. One lawmaker came up with a figure: 2 million. No one in the studio blinked or objected—including the host, who is himself a Duma member.

— Julia Davis (@JuliaDavisNews) May 30, 2022

And the Aftermath?

By the way, I’ve seen no discussion of what happens after this war finally ends: assuming there’s still some portion of Ukraine left standing, who rebuilds it? We’ve already printed up an additional $40 billion to buy them more guns — I think we’d previously spent $20 billion — but it will surely cost far, far more than that — trillions? — to rebuild the country. Are we going to cover that, or leave the Ukrainians to work it out for themselves? And if we do send aid, we’ll be handing it over to a corrupt government that rivaled the Russian kleptocracy in greed and brazen theft. Here in America, we lost hundreds of billions of dollars to outright fraud, and an equal amount to waste: I’ve read some speculation that at least half of the $5 trillion we’ve put on our tab has disappeared down the rat hole(s), and America is only mostly corrupt — we can probably expect to see Ukrainian kleptocrats, together with Hunter and “The Big Guy”, tooling around the globe on the multi-million dollar yachts that once belonged to their Russian equivalents. Won’t that make our own middle class, if it still exists, happy.