My general rule is, if he's wearing a tattoo on his face, keep him locked up as a general precaution

Cop killer was out on the streets after receiving a slap on the wrist for illegal gun possession.

The suspect who gunned down two cops at a motel about 20 minutes outside Los Angeles on Tuesday was on probation for illegally carrying a gun and had been banned from packing heat since 2011.

Justin Flores, 35, allegedly slew El Monte police Cpl. Michael Paredes and Officer Joseph Santana and was killed in the firefight when the officers responded to a report of a stabbing.

Flores had served two prison terms for burglary and car theft and pleaded no contest to possessing a firearm as a felon last winter, according to the Los Angeles Times.

The weapons charge could have sent the career criminal back to prison for three years, but instead he was sentenced to two years’ probation and 20 days of time served, the paper said.

A day before the shooting, Flores’ probation officer filed for a revocation hearing after the suspect allegedly assaulted his girlfriend last week, violating his probation, according to the report.

Instead of being arrested and jailed, Flores was allowed to stay on the streets ahead of a June 27 hearing.

The Los Angeles County Probation Department was “currently investigating” why Flores was not taken in for the violation, the outlet said.

You can read at least one story like this every day, from NYC to LA to cities in-between. If the legislators who pretend to be so worked up about guns were serious, they should start their crusade by demanding that existing laws barring felons, drug addicts (Hunter, anyone?), mental defectives (Hunter, again), and domestic abusers (ok, this is becoming redundant, Hunter) be enforced; they don’t. As always, this is about disarming Republicans, not the base.

But anyway, back to those tattoos:

Here’s one face-tat guy who was not let go, but that happened in a different era: