New listing, (very) old house

44 Sound Beach Avenue, the Nathaniel Peck House, circa 1750, is on the market for the first time in many, many years, asking $1.995 million. Eastern Junior High alumi from long ago will remember that 9th Grade biology teacher David O’Brien rented the guest cottage here for decades. Over that time, David became a mentor and friend and, through him, I became friends with his landlady, Melinda Ogilvy, David Ogilvy’s mom. Once I was an appropriate age, I spent a number of very pleasant evenings with David (O’Brien), Melinda, and other guests in that fabulous living room, and that friendship endured long past David’s retirement and relocation to Myrtle Beach. A great lady.

Warm personal memories don’t transfer with ownership, of course, so a house has to stand on its own, but if you love antique homes, this is a good one.