Take a meat axe to the entire federal workforce budget, beginning right here:

Working from home

One-quarter of federal HHS workers failed to even check their emails or log in during the pandemic

An estimated 25 percent of Department of Health and Human Services employees neglected to log on to the agency's software suite, which includes their email, work files, video conference calls, and other applications needed to perform remote work, according to the internal documents. The report, commissioned by then-HHS chief of staff Brian Harrison, measured employees' inactivity on a day-to-day basis between March 2020 and December 2020. The documents, portions of which were leaked by a whistleblower to the Functional Government Initiative and reviewed by the Free Beacon, state that all HHS employees had secure access to these accounts to work remotely.

Most of them are still “working from home”. If we didn’t need them during the worst government-created mass panic in America’s history, why do we need them now?