Because the Russians fear two more years of continued Democrat ineptitude? I don’t think so.

CNN thinks the Russkies don’t want more of this? Right.

Comedy Gold: CNN Already Blaming Russia for Democrat Beatdown in Upcoming Midterms

CNN “reported” Homeland Security and other national security officials are worried that Russia could “significantly exploit” U.S. divisions over the November midterms, and are considering scenarios like the Ruskies “staging smaller hacks of local election authorities — done with the deliberate purpose of being noticed — and then using the pretense to seed more conspiracies about the integrity of our elections.”

These efforts, the officials said, according to CNN, “would be designed to dovetail with the false doubts about the 2020 presidential election spread by former President Donald Trump and many of his allies.”

It’s America that should be terrified of the continued ruination of the country by the Democrats, not our enemies.