It was Alieto who wrote the majority opinion in Dobbs, but the Left's rage has been mainly focused on Thomas, because there's nothing they hate more than an uppity negro escaping the plantation

And This:

Following Dobbs decision, SCAD removes sign in front of building named for Justice Clarence Thomas

And This:

Justice Thomas singled out for racist slurs after Roe v. Wade overturned

By Valerie Richardson - The Washington Times - Monday, June 27, 2022

The social taboo against using racial slurs has once again flown out the window when it comes to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

The Black conservative jurist was excoriated by pro-choice advocates over his concurring opinion last week in Dobbs v. Jackson with a wave of vitriol that included death threats and repugnant racist epithets on social media.

The slurs included the n-word, “house n——r,” “coon,” “slave” and “Uncle Tom.” Over the weekend, “Uncle Clarence,” a spin on the derogatory term “Uncle Tom,” trended on Twitter after it was used by actor Samuel L. Jackson.

Users of other accounts threatened to “kill” or “assassinate” Justice Thomas, one of six justices who made up the majority in Friday’s decision striking down the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion nationwide.

And This:

Racist White Progressives Love the ‘N-Word’ When It’s Being Used Against Clarence Thomas

And These:

Racist attacks against Thomas have been hurled at him since his confirmation hearings; they have continued over the decades, and not just by rando Twitterers and college students, but by the mainstream press. Here’s one from the Washington Post published just this past February:

WaPo Describes Justice Thomas: "the Black justice whose rulings often resemble the thinking of White conservatives."