I understand Nina Jankowicz has some time on her hands, now that her Washington gig didn't work out

I’m off to Hartford, on your dollar!

Conn. Offers $150K for Someone to Flag 'Misinformation' from Conservative Sources

The Connecticut government has announced it will pay someone a $150,000 salary to decipher alleged “misinformation” ahead of the 2022 midterm elections. 

The job title is similar to The Department of Homeland Security’s Disinformation Governance Board, aka the “Ministry of Truth.” 

The role, which New York Times reported, calls for the individual to combat alleged misinformation on a “full time basis,” spending countless hours searching through “fringe sites like 4chan, far-right social networks like Gettr and Rumble and mainstream social media sites.” The goal is to flag information they deem to be spreading harmful election-related “rumors.”