It's always fun to check in on the celebrity-for-no-reason crowd

Kim Kardashian flies her 9-year-old daughter and friends from LA to the mountains (Colorado? Wyoming? don’t know, don’t care) to celebrate the child’s birthday in style.

Guests including [the kid’s] cousin Penelope Disick and Jessica Simpson’s daughter Maxwell took Kardashian’s private jet, which was adorned with “Camp North” balloons and signs. Inside, each seat had two pillows made up to resemble logs, and fake spiderwebs covered the aircraft’s ceiling.

The swarm of illiterates who think that kardashian-types are people who should somehow be listened to and admired are the same deluded fools who believe in a coming unicorn paradise, a utopia where energy is free, the air is as pure as the day Adam left Eden, and the lion will lie down with the lamb. In fact, they have a Sri Lankan hell in their future, and won’t they be surprised when they’re in it?

(Glenn Reynolds, referring to our global warming betters, says “They see Sri Lanka not as a cautionary example but as a goal. Hey, it’s not the politicians and activists who are starving.” — exactly)