School Board member: "I hate America, and you should, too".

Boycott the 4th of July

Woke California school board members call for people to BOYCOTT Fourth of July because 'there is no reason to celebrate'

  • AnaMarie Avila Farias, a member of Contra Costa County Board of Education, shared a fading image of the US flag along with the caption: 'BOYCOTT 4TH OF JULY'

  • 'I haven't celebrated 4th of July since 2016 and I don't think it's a holiday to celebrate' she wrote on a Facebook post. 'What do you think?'

  • The local school board member later confessed to not 'feeling particularly patriotic' thanks to abortion rights being overturned last week

  • In response to a comment on her post suggesting she 'maybe have a funeral and bury the Constitution and the Flag,' Farias wrote: 'Please invite me!'

She no longer feels patriotic because “abortion rights were overturned (sic)” this week, but she stopped celebrating the 4th since 2016. Prescient little hater, isn’t she?

There are thousands of AnaMarie Avilas in our schools, all boring away like teredo worms and, just as teredos eventually destroy a ship’s hull, these Avilas are doing the same to our society. The difference is that terados aren’t wreaking their damage intentionally.

To avoid sounding like a hypocrite here, I’ll confess to being one of those Americans — probably the vast majority of us — who doesn’t do anything special to honor our founding on the 4th; maybe attend a barbeque and watch the fireworks, period. But I am grateful, every day, for the sacrifices our forefathers, including my own ancestors, made to free us from the yoke of England, and I don’t send out messages as a school board member, urging the community to spit on the flag. So there’s that.