Which explains why we have social justice warriors and professors of feminism trying to run our nation's oil refineries

the biden a team

Biden's top 68 appointees have just 2.4 years of business experience, analysis finds - including 62 percent of officials who have 'virtually NO private sector experience' on their work records

  • Economists Stephen Moore and Jon Decker analyzed the work records and resumes of 68 officials, including Biden and his Cabinet members, advisers

  • They found that 62 percent of Biden appointees who deal with business matters - economic policy, regulation, commerce, energy and finance, have 'virtually no business experience'

  • Only one in 8 were found to have 'extensive' business experience and their average business experience was 2.4 years

You have basically lawyers and university professors and community activists that don't have any experience with managing a big operation or steering the economy in the right direction.

I'm particularly struck by the fact that our Secretary of Agriculture has never even worked on a farm let alone run one