The conditioning of the past two years has worked beautifully, and successfully

Coronophobic Britain starts locking ITSELF down: Three in 10 Brits are staying at home to avoid virus and 42% are wearing masks again amid mild fifth wave — despite signs it's plateauing

  • Exclusive poll for MailOnline found 29% of people stayed indoors at some point since cases started rising

  • Some 42% have worn a face covering, around half have socially distanced and two-thirds are sanitising

  • Privately, MailOnline understands NHS bosses expect latest wave to fizzle out naturally in the coming weeks

Three in 10 Britons have stayed at home to avoid Covid in the last month and more than 40 per cent have worn a face mask as fears about the virus start to take hold again, a survey suggests.

The UK is currently in the midst of a mild fifth wave that has seen infections rise for the past month, with 2.7million people carrying Covid in the most recent week — even though deaths and ICU admissions have remained flat.

An exclusive poll for MailOnline found 29 per cent of people have stayed indoors at some point since cases started rising to avoid catching the virus, while 42 per cent have worn a face covering.

Almost half (49 per cent) observed social distancing rules that have not been in place since February, while two-thirds (67 per cent) said they had sanitised their hands.

Just 16 per cent of people, around one in six, had not taken any precautions in the last month, according to the survey of 1,500 Britons by Redfield & Wilton Strategies.

Privately, MailOnline understands NHS England bosses expect the latest wave to fizzle out naturally in the coming weeks, without the need for onerous public health measures. 

And MailOnline's analysis of official data suggests the latest wave is plateauing, with Covid hospital admissions and cases slowing down.

But that has not stopped individual hospitals, GP surgeries, care homes and some schools from reintroducing face masks and social distancing in recent weeks.

And across Britain's towns and cities, a growing share of the public appear to be wearing masks in shops, supermarkets and on public transport. Retail bosses have warned that Britain is becoming a nation of hypochondriacs'. 

From COVID itself, to global warming to well, anything that sells newspapers and helps keep the population cowed works in the favor of those seeking to control the hoi polloi. A cowed crowd is a controllable populace.

Of course, sometimes a panic is not part of any nefarious plot, but just the creation of the media to feed into the maw the 24/7 news cycle. Still, it all feeds and sustains the general state of panic.

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