You're trapped in a building with an armed madman: who'd you rather have with you, a pistol-carrying civilian, or a trained SWAT team waiting outside for instructions, and to work up their courage?

wtf just happened?

22-year-old, (legally) armed with a pistol shoots and kills a crazy with a semi-automatic rifle shooting up patrons at a mall

A gunman armed with a rifle and multiple magazines of ammo killed three people and injured two others at an Indiana shopping mall on Sunday, before being taken down by a 22-year-old with a handgun who witnessed the shooting.

One of the injured is a 12-year-old girl who suffered a minor scratch on her back. The second person who was injured is in a stable condition, officials said. 

The shooting happened early evening on Sunday at the Greenwood Park Mall in suburban Indianapolis, some 10 miles south of the city's downtown. 

Greenwood Police Chief James Ison said that the shooter was armed with a rifle and had multiple magazines when he began opening fire.

The gunman - who has not been named - was quickly shot dead by a 'Good Samaritan' who witnessed the shooting, according Ison. The man used a handgun to bring down the assailant.

Ison said that the man who shot the gunman is a 22-year old from Bartholomew County, Indiana. The hero stopped the shooting almost as soon as it began.

'The real hero of the day is the citizen that was lawfully carrying a firearm in that food court and was able to stop the shooter almost as soon as he began,' Ison said.

I don’t know how we can stop these whackos — confiscation of 435 million guns isn’t possible (yet — they’re working on it) but if we can’t, remember that when seconds count, the police are only minutes or hours away.

UPDATE: Or they’re right there, but do nothing. Almost 400 officers were present at Uvalde before gunman was finally killed.

“one brave man with a gun can stop more maniacs than 400 bureaucrats with briefcases and flak jackets”