If at first you don't succeed, raise the price
/That seems to be the thinking of the bank and the beleaguered owner of 80 Doubling Road, anyway, which today bumped its price from $3.650 to $4.1 million. It has been on the market 1,408 days, beginning in 2018 at $4.495 and dropping as low as $3.5, and there have been three contracts reported in that span. It’s a short sale, so I’d attribute the delay, the failed contracts, and the erratic pricing to the bank, and not the owner.
Back in the last recession, I hated short sales. I did them because that’s what was available, but dealing with clueless, low-level bank employees who were often and without warning replaced by a different equally-clueless individual mid-stream, thereby requiring the entire negotiating process to be restarted, was exasperating and incredibly frustrating.
Good luck to this owner.