Yes, let's ask the man on the street's opinion

i’m glad you asked me about this important topic, allison, and I have number of thoughts on this very complicated issue

CNN Senior Business Editor and Chief Custodian has heard people about this recession thing, and has questions

Allison Morrow

"In the United States, a recession is determined by a panel of eight economists you've never heard of at the nonprofit National Bureau of Economic Research," she wrote, noting it "seems weird" for a variety of reasons. 

"For starters, every single one of the eight members is White," she wrote. "Each is over 60 years old… they are all associated with prestigious universities." 

Actually, Ms. Morrow may be on to something here. The gentleman pictured above is — and I’m just guessing here — unlikely to have matriculated at Harvard, so he’s probably got far more sense and experience than the economists Morrow complains about; for that matter more than even CNN analyists like herself. Fire her, and bring this guy on air instead.