You will eat only lentils, and you will be happy

Green Fanaticism in the Netherlands

Powerline: “It isn’t just the U.S.: around the world “green” fanatics are destroying livelihoods and dragging down standards of living. This instance comes from the Netherlands: “Dutch farmers protest livestock cuts to curb nitrogen.”

In one of their largest-ever demonstrations, the farmers demanded the scrapping of recently announced plans by the Hague-based government, which could see a 30 percent reduction in livestock.

The Netherlands, the world’s second-largest agricultural exporter…

…is one of the top greenhouse gas emitters in Europe — especially of nitrogen — with much of this blamed on cattle-produced manure and fertiliser.

Prime Minister Mark Rutte said earlier this month the government’s plan to cut nitrogen emissions “will have an enormous impact on farmers”.

“This sector will change, but unfortunately there’s no choice, we have to bring down nitrogen emissions,” he said.

The Dutch government plans to cut greenhouse gas nitrogen by as much as 70 percent in 131 key areas — many of them close to nature reserves — to reach climate goals by 2030.

For farmers this means a 40-percent drop in emissions is expected, which would require around 30 percent less cattle, according to reports.

Oops! No lentils for you, either. Well, there’s always grasshopper paste.

Wearing a COVID mask on July 1, 2022? Of course she is.