Take two authentic pictures, combine them, and what do you get? Placed on suicide watch

(you’ll notice the “what.I.Meme.to.say” logo emblazoned on the picture, but twitter won’t, deliberately)

That’s not funny!

@WhatIMemeToSay is a right-leaning “meme creator, digital art creator, and USMC veteran,” according to his Twitter profile. He also got sent to Twitter jail for what might be his most delightful creation yet, involving Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, and Epstein attorney-turned-magistrate-judge Reinhart.

The merry meme-maker borrowed a provocative photo of Epstein and Maxwell, apparently from Epstein’s private jet, and had some fun with them at Reinhart’s expense.

Here’s one of the originals, used as state evidence in Maxwell’s trial.

Then, take a look at Magistrate Reinhard’s Twitter page, and see if you can find something useful. You can? Great!

And voila!

Stephen Green:

I shouldn’t have to say this, but this meme is funny because before he became a judge and issued what looks like an unconstitutionally broad search warrant against a former U.S. president, Reinhart quit his job as an Epstein prosecutor in order to help get Epstein a sweetheart plea deal for charges involving underage sex trafficking.

TWITTER froze the account and made him take it down, but now, of course, it’s gone viral, thanks to the Streisand Effect.