Hit 'em again, harder! Harder!

Pentagon rejects D.C. Mayor’s plea for National Guardsmen, again

For the second time, the Pentagon denied a request on Monday by Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser to activate the National Guard to assist with thousands of migrants who have been arriving in the nation's capital in recent months.

Bowser first asked for National Guard help last month, but it was rejected by the Pentagon on Aug. 4. She then sent another letter on Aug. 11, requesting that 150 National Guard troops be deployed to "help prevent a prolonged humanitarian crisis in our nation's capital resulting from the daily arrival of migrants."

Defense Department executive secretary Kelly Bulliner Holly wrote in a letter to Bowser on Monday that the D.C. National Guard is not trained to assist migrants and activation would lead to "diminished readiness" for the troops.

"The DCNG has no specific experience in or training for this kind of mission or unique skills for providing facility management, feeding, sanitation or ground support," Holly wrote in the letter, which was reviewed by Fox News.

"Approval of this request would also result in a substantial readiness impact to the DCNG," Holly continued. "Devoting the personnel or the facility for such an extended mission would force the cancellation or disruption of military training."

Bowser and her fellow sanctuary city ally, Mayor Adams in NYC, are howling about illegal aliens arriving in their cities from Texas, and instead of welcoming the opportunity to demonstrate their love and compassion for their new voters, they’re demanding that the influx stop.

Oh, really? As of Friday, Texas has sent all of 7,000 new arrivals to Washington (pop. 670,050) and 900 to NYC (pop. 8.38 million). The open border policy advocated by these two mayors saw 2 million illegals cross into the country in 2021, an all-time record that had already been reached by the start of August, with another 2 million expected by year-end. No one in the mainstream media has shown any concern about small Texas towns like La Joya, pop. 4,500, being swamped by tens of thousands of illegals crossing the border, camping in residents’ yards, and stealing their property. But aliens in the Acela Corridor? Call out the National Guard.