Are there no hypocausts? No slaves to tend them?

cindy adams (r) tends to the heat

The Romans introduced central heating to Britain in 15 AD or thereabouts, but it was a luxury afforded only to the rich, as hypocausts required constant tending by slaves; ordinary peasants had to rely on a single fireplace in the one-room hovels they shared with their farm animals.

Conventional central heating arrived in Britain only in the 1950s, and even as late as 1970 only 20% of homes had it installed.

Now, thank’s to the Greens, and Britain’s inexplicable decision to tear down its domestic fossil fuel energy system and rely on imported gas instead, the Extinction Now! group (“Net zero by 2025!”) looks likely to achieve its goal of returning the country to its bucolic, 15 AD past, as heating costs are expected to soar sixfold this winter.