She's allowed to vote, she's almost certainly employed on a diversity board of a university, a corporation, or government agency, and you're about to pay off her student loan

Brandon Morse

Something about social justice turns people into angry, scared, unstable people who seem to be robbed of their common sense and rationality and react to situations with unreasonable responses and extreme emotion.

… Bizarre reactions are a dime-a-dozen, but sometimes it gets so bad that social justice advocates don’t even know why they’re mad. They just see something and immediately relate it to be problematic in some form. A solid example recently came across my Twitter feed courtesy of Libs of TikTok.

In the video, actress Drew Barrymore is seen frolicking in the rain…and that’s it. She’s not doing anything else. She didn’t even say anything in the video. It was just pure joy she had for being in the rain. This was enough to upset a black woman on TikTok that goes by “amushroomblackly” who began accusing the woman of going past boundaries that black creators had set, and finished it off with a question.

“Why is it so important to all of you to treat us like we don’t matter?” the woman asked.