From the people who brought us lockdowns, face theater, school closures, and COVID vaccinations for infants, this:

“Hey, he likes it, and he’s not dead!”

WSJ: Latest COVID boosters are set to roll out before human testing is completed.

“I’m uncomfortable that we would move forward—that we would give millions or tens of millions of doses to people—based on mouse data,” said Paul Offit, an FDA adviser and director of the Vaccine Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

The comparison with flu vaccines isn’t sound, Dr. Offit said, because flu viruses mutate so rapidly that shots from one year don’t offer protection for the next, while currently available Covid-19 shots continue to keep people out of the hospital.

In addition to evaluating the boosters without clinical-trial data, the FDA won’t convene another element from its earlier Covid-19 vaccine reviews: a meeting of advisers who make recommendations whether the agency should authorize a shot.

“No, of course we’re not going to reconvene our advisory panel”, His Eminence Tony Fauci told FWIW. “The last time we tried that, they “advised” us not to shoot up 6-month-olds with our great new monkey juice, and that caused us all sorts of trouble; if Mark Zuckerberg and our media lackeys hadn’t stepped up to squelch the story, you can just imagine how many poor little kids would be dead right now.”

Fauci was sanguine about the prospect of a widespread refusal by the population to submit to further experimentation: “First of all, we’re calling it the “Life Shot”, kinda like our “IRA Act” that was so successful last week, so we hope to avoid mandating it under the authority of this being a national emergency and all. And we know we can count on lockstep obedience from the Whole Foods lotus-eaters; add in the rest of the CNN and NYT crowd, and we’ll be up to at least 50%.

“And then we have the Irish”, he continued. “They’re the Mikey of vaccine boosters, and will take anything. Hell, we got 100% of them to participate in our “Four and Through” campaign — the rest of the country? Three percent. And If we goofed, if they start growing green tails on their butts, or dying off, well, what price, scientific progress?”