So where was this lady when school closings were crushing the very same kids she now claims to have such compassion for?

In perusing the Greenwich Free Press’s diatribe against James O’Keefe, I noticed a letter from one Mary Ellen Markowitz, Democrat, Cos Cob, attacking Greenwich’s state senator Ryan Fazzio for not supporting a teacher union’s sponsored bill that increased spending for hiring more teachers, and more (unionized) school social workers.

Markowitz identifies herself as a mental health professional (ignoring the current condemnation of calling someone mental, health professional or not), and has this to say:

Although it is too early to have conclusive evidence on the long-term impact on our young people, an early study done in England indicates that hyperactivity and depression in kids 4-10 years old
have risen during the pandemic. Teens have also had challenges with isolation, depression, and anxiety due to shifting friend groups impacted by the pandemic. (The Harvard Gazette: Snapshot of pandemic’s mental health impact on children)

With so much more to learn, and the realization that our children and teens have been emotionally affected by Covid 19 and lockdown, I cannot understand how State Senator Ryan Fazio would vote AGAINST our children’s best interest.

For example, Fazio was one of only two senators to vote against SB1, a bill – now law – that expands student mental health services in schools. It provides additional social workers, counselors, access to healthcare resources, and lower student-to-teacher ratios.

Do we really need someone representing us in Hartford who does not support our children? Vote for Trevor Crowe for State Senator – she cares!

A brief search of the Internet shows no evidence that this woman ever wrote letters to editors or publicly demanded the reopening of our schools, despite a multitude of warnings from her fellow practitioners from the very start of the closings that isolation and separation from their peers would cause children to suffer the exact harm she now admits to. Further, she makes no admission that almost universally around the world, “health professionals” persuaded their governments to keep schools open because of the certain damage to children if they were kept out of school far outweighed the theoretical risk of COVID sickening kids, a risk that never materialized.

Markowitz herself should have known full well the damage she and her friends were causing by isolating children: On June 30, 2018, she appeared at a Greenwich Invisible rally at Town Hall to denounce Trump (of course) and his attempt to stop the invasion of illegal aliens: From Greenwich Press’ coverage of that rally: “Mary Ellen Markowitz, a local psychotherapist who runs parenting groups was a featured speaker. She spoke about the permanent damage caused by separating children from their families.”

We never heard from her again on the subject (nor, by the way, has Danang Dick, who boasted at that same rally that he’d personally visited the Texas/Mexican border and wept over the cruelty of conditions there, ever ventured south again to see how things are going, but I suppose that’s not germane, other than to have fun with the hypocrisy of these clowns).

Markowitz’s teacher allies kept schools closed for their own purposes, with full knowledge that they were harming their students. Where was she when it mattered, when the danger was obvious, but before the damage was done?

WE KNOW WHERE Fazio was; As far back as 2020, he was calling for the reopening of schools. Markowitz? Probably attending union meetings, agreeing with the NEA’s Randy Weingarten that “kids are resilient, kids will recover”, and denouncing Ron DeSantis, the only governor to defy the unions and public health “experts” and keep his state’s schools open, as the greatest mass murderer in history.