After 60 years of failure and devastation caused by their own policies, Democrats are still blaming conservatives, and their chump voters still believe them
/Former Congressman Joe Scarborough, having replaced his Ukrainian and gay Twitter banners with a picture of a monarch, takes on Christians. I couldn’t care less about his teachings of Jesus, but this caught my attention:
[S]upporters of the death penalty, militarism, and economic policies that leave behind poor and working class children.
Democrats have been waging war on poverty since at least 1964, with the result that Democrat cities, often controlled by black mayors and city councils, have been entirely ruined. Their schools “graduate” — age-out, actually — only 1/2 their students, and of those graduates, fewer than 18% can pass basic literacy and numeracy tests. From 1976 to 2005, blacks committed more than 52% of all murders in America. In 2006, the black arrest rate for most crimes was two to nearly three times blacks’ representation in the population. Blacks constituted 39.3% of all violent-crime arrests, including 56.3% of all robbery and 34.5% of all aggravated-assault arrests, and 29.4% of all property-crime arrests. And no, that’s not because of a racist criminal system, Democrat politicians’ claims to the contrary.
Just as the last reasonable Democrat, Daniel Moynahan, predicted when LBJ’s war on poverty was enacted, the black family has been destroyed:
The family structure of African Americans has long been a matter of national public policy interest.[2]A 1965 report by Daniel Patrick Moynihan, known as The Moynihan Report, examined the link between black poverty and family structure.[2] It hypothesized that the destruction of the black nuclear family structure would hinder further progress toward economic and political equality.[2]
When Moynihan wrote in 1965 on the coming destruction of the black family, the out-of-wedlock birth rate was 25% among black people.[3] In 1991, 68% of black children were born outside of marriage (where 'marriage' is defined with a government-issued license).[4] In 2011, 72% of black babies were born to unmarried mothers,[5][6] while the 2018 National Vital Statistics Report provides a figure of 69.4 percent for this condition.[7]
And this:
Democrats’ policies have ruined the lives of black people by imposing rent control, thereby ensuring the deterioration of housing, failed schools, including the refusal to keep order in classrooms for the benefit of those students who want to learn, teaming with teachers’ unions to bar charter schools, and restrict entry into the teacher “profession”, and lowering standards and expectations of performance. What sort of job, other than working for the government, is available for a drug-addled young person who can’t read, or write, and has no inclination to show up on time and actually put in a day’s work?
Should we mention those same politicians and unions that keep schools closed for two yers, with catastrophic effects on all students, but which hit poor children especially hard?
The churches that Democrats attack for instilling values in black children, values you dismiss as “white people’s ethics and morals?
So no, Joe, it’s not conservative value and policies that have left minority children behind, it was you. It’s long past time when you thugs and criminals should acknowledge that.
(I’ve posted this video from Bulworth (1998) several times over the years, but it never gets old):
UPDATE: I just saw this over on Instapundit, and it seems apt: The Fall of Los Angeles.
As NRO’s Jay Nordlinger wrote in 2010 wrote when the failed city of Detroit was making headlines and photo spreads thanks to its Hiroshima-like bombed out landscape, “If people are voting a certain way — maybe it’s because they want to. Maybe they know full well what they’re doing. Sometimes you have to take no — such as ‘no to Republicanism’ — for an answer.”