Fantasy beats reality, every time

“This was part of an effort to appease the green parties in government, who have been notable for their long-standing opposition to nuclear power.”

Pair that venture in Fantasy Land with those of our own politicians. New York State, for example, has shut down its sole nuclear reactor, banned fracking and even the importation of natural gas from Pennsylvania’s fracking, and tied its future to the Champlain Hudson Power Express” a power line that is supposed to bring hydroelectric power from Canada to NYC. Follow the link, if you care to, for a complete history of this project, first planned in 2010, fully permitted in 2013, and scheduled to have been completed by 2020. Its projected cost has already tripled, and it has yet to even break ground because the environmentalists have fought it, literally inch-by-inch. It will never be built.

One of the many reasons environmentalists claim to oppose the line is that it would discourage investment in “local-area solar and wind projects”. Does anyone really believe that these people will agree to stand aside and let 100,000-acre solar farms and 5,000-acre wind turbine fields be erected in the Catskills? Connecticut greens have used the same “logic” to block pipelines and natural gas power plants in our state, and are already in court fighting 250-acre solar plants.

Here’s a picture of the future, as envisioned by the Common Ground Fair that took place up in Maine this weekend. The fair’s a great event, with oxen-pulling contests, candle-making classes, sheep-worrying opportunities offered in the midway tents, and really, just a fun, old-timey fair, but the picture shows how these people expect the world to grow its food, and that should alarm you.