Doubtless we will see the media whores give this story the same prominence they accorded the 51 spymasters' and REMFS’ own letters*

200+ fmr. generals, admirals endorse Trump

In a letter released on Monday by Flag Officers 4 America, more than 200 retired military leaders announced they were endorsing Trump for president, claiming he is “a proven leader who will secure our border, repulse our adversaries, revitalize our economy, and keep America safe and strong.”

The retired military leaders described the upcoming November election as the “most important election” since the founding of America.

The retired generals and admirals warned, “We are at a historic crossroad where we must either choose to stand for our Constitution and its underlying traditional values which have made America great, or we continue down the path the current administration’s top leadership is taking into the deadly abyss of socialism and authoritarian cultural Marxism.”

In Monday’s letter, the retired military leaders argued that the Democratic Party has divided Americans through a “cultural war,” while foreign enemies have promoted anti-Semitic and anti-American actions on college campuses across the country. The retired military leaders also warned that the United States could soon be “drawn into a war across multiple theaters with peer and near-peer adversaries, and it could lose.”

The endorsement letter added, “As the Administration imposes divisive social engineering programs embodied in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at the expense of warfighting readiness, China, Iran, Russia, North Korea, and global terrorists are rapidly expanding their capabilities and aggressiveness. This did not happen during Donald Trump’s presidency.”

In Monday’s letter, the retired military leaders listed multiple political policies and actions that they claimed have left the United States in a “perilous situation,” including the southern border crisis caused by open border policies, the poor condition of the economy caused by inflation and other policies, and the physical and mental condition of the commander-in-chief, which they claim Harris “deliberately concealed” from the American people.

The retired military leaders suggested that the current national security threats facing the United States can be reversed by new policies. As a result, the retired generals and admirals wrote, “We endorse Donald J. Trump for president based on his proven national security track record. His policies, coupled with his ability to implement them in the face of opposition, worked before and will work again.”

*Why Harris’ support from retired U.S. military leaders matters