Too good to check, because if it’s not true, it should be

“Kayla” Lemieux — a héros for our time?

Is the busty Canadian shop teacher actually a troll? Someone claims he is.

“There is the most titillating rumor being bandied about the interwebs right now. And while it may or may not be true, it’s certainly food for thought. It concerns “Kayla Lemieux,” the infamous trans-woman shop teacher at Oakville Trafalgar High School (OTHS) outside Ontario, Canada.

An anonymous poster on an online forum recently made a claim about Lemieux’s shop class back when “Kayla” was still Mr. Kerry Luc Lemieux. The post reads:”

This dude is gaming the system. An anon here yesterday was in this dude’s class. This teacher was almost fired for ‘toxic masculinity’ last year, as well as not embracing woke culture. He’d drop redpills to his class, such as how silly gender neutral bathrooms are. The school board hates him.

He’s now upping the ante to exploit the very clown world the school and society itself created. His long game is most likely to get fired, and then sue for discrimination. There is no other explanation.. No better way to troll clown world than to become an over-the-top caricature of a woman.

If Lemieux is indeed pranking the school board, then he is a genius. When images of the trans-busty high school shop teacher began spreading like wildfire online, the outrage was swift and formidable. OTHS and the Halton District School Board (HDSB) went on the defensive — and it quickly became evident that they had painted themselves into a corner with their mindless commitment to “inclusion.”

“We are aware of discussion on social media and in the media regarding Oakville Trafalgar High School. We would like to take this opportunity to reiterate to our community that we are committed to establishing and maintaining a safe, caring, inclusive, equitable and welcoming learning and working environment for all students and staff,” said OTHS in an email sent to parents and obtained by feminist new site Reduxx.

HDSB similarly tied its own hands when it released its “Gender Identity & Gender Expression in Schools” policy a year ago. The policy states, in part:

The Halton District School Board (HDSB) recognizes the rights of students, staff, parents/guardians and community members to equitable treatment without discrimination based upon gender identity and gender expression.

The HDSB is committed to establishing and maintaining a safe, caring, inclusive, equitable and welcoming learning and working environment for all members of the school community including students, staff, parents/guardians and community members who identify as, or are perceived as Two-Spirit, Queer, trans*1, Non-Binary, Intersex, and those who are questioning their sexual orientation and/or gender identity(ies).