Kids'll do the darndest things!

“Oh, you’re killing me!”

Children and their gun culture

Chicago and New York City have gun problems. They have an exploding criminal violence epidemic, exacerbated by lax enforcement at the prosecutorial level. They do not have a law enforcement problem. The police are undermanned, overwhelmed, hamstrung, and unsupported by city administrations and the District Attorneys to whom they hand the criminals they apprehend.

Nor, for all the dire federal insistence to the contrary, do they have a white supremacist problem. There is a cultural divide being fed by policies, a race war purposefully pitting white against black, and, especially for the kids of the inner city, it is stripping the last semblance of childhood from them.

These are 8th graders in Chicago, celebrating after graduation.

The author has plenty to say about all this, but here’s the meat of the matter:

When we were first stationed in SoCal, there was an awful story on KTLA’s evening news about a 7-year-old, who’d been killed in a gang drive-by – spraying the sidewalk with bullets as they are wont to do. We were horrified. But then more came out about it. It happened at 3 in the morning! “WHAT?!” we looked at each other, thinking the little guy had crawled out a window or something, but no. Interviewing the mother the reporter went there and asked, “What was he doing on the street at 3 a.m.?”

Dang, didn’t she ruffle up, and fire back, “I can’t control a 7-year-old!”

Somebody has to. God almighty, somebody better start.

Demonizing and punishing legal, law-abiding gun owners and dealers will not do a thing to take those weapons from the clutches of those children. It hasn’t and it won’t, as your draconian Illinois/New York gun regulations have proven repeatedly (and as they will assuredly find out to their horror when Governor Pritzker’s Safe-T Act comes into force in January.). Indiana didn’t do this, Colt firearms didn’t do this, my 12 gauge didn’t do this. The 2d Amendment had nothing to do with it.

The complete disrespect for education did this, the cultivated, active disrespect for authority and law did this, the welfare mentality did this, and above all else, the breakdown of families did this. Losing fathers did this.