Because every proper woker wants to be a racist
/David Strom, Hot Air:
“Norway, it turns out, is where titanium dioxide was turned into the first truly white paint. And, as we all know, white paint is the root of all racism.
“Or something. Not quite sure what the connection is, but white is bad.”
“Within and beyond academia worldwide, actions of revolt and regret seek to cope with our racial past. In the pivotal works in whiteness studies within art and architecture history, whiteness is understood as cultural and visual structures of privilege,” the project, principally led by Associate Professor Ingrid Halland, opens. Her website boasts of a 12 million kroner funding grant from the government.
According to the project’s webpage, the aim is to address “a distinctively different battleground for politics of whiteness in art and architecture.”
“[T]his is a real project, complete with grant money, post-docs, and is being taken seriously. Because paint is racist.”
Although Norway is not a conventional colonial power, this project will show how the country has played a globally leading role in establishing white as a superior color. Until now, however, this story has been lesser known to scholars and the public. NorWhite will connect the challenging topics: whiteness, technological innovation, and mass-exploitation of natural resources in a single case study. The research project will study the Norwegian innovations the chemical compound titanium dioxide (TiO2) and the white pigment titanium white in a historical, aesthetic, and critical lens—focusing on how the innovations transformed surfaces in art, architecture, and design—in order to show how aesthetic—and thereby societal—transformation is driven by technological development.
“All of this bears notice not because Norway is wasting money on trivial and stupid research, but because it demonstrates the longing of Westerners for something to feel guilty about. It is our new hobbyhorse.
“Norway was never in on the early modern colonialist game, and hence doesn’t get its share of collective guilt. And you gotta have either guilt points or victimhood points to count in the modern West. Since Norwegians are “white,” it is their job to find something to feel guilty about.
“You would think the Viking rampages that originated in the Nordic countries might count for something–after all, the Viking went everywhere and oppressed everybody in medieval times, but apparently that isn’t the right kind of rampaging. That was more raping and pillaging of mostly other white people, so that doesn’t count.
“Sure, the Vikings colonized the British Isles and France, and even made it to the Mediterranean, but again, wrong victims. Gotta have brown victims to count.
“So all they have is paint to fall back on. They oppressed through paint.”