As compassionate and caring as our teachers' unions

Having rejected a 19% pay hike and an offer of arbitration, NYC nurses have gone on strike.

That’s perfectly normal behavior for municipal unions, so nothing surprising here, but the union’s urging the public to further burden their already overwhelmed hospital employers may set a new low in cynicism:

Amid the strike, the nursing union encouraged New Yorkers not to delay medical care. 

"To all of our patients, to all New Yorkers, we want to be absolutely clear: If you are sick, please do not delay getting medical care, regardless of whether we are on strike. Patients should seek hospital care immediately if they need it," the union said.

"We would rather be the ones providing that care, but our bosses have pushed us to be out here instead. We appreciate solidarity from our patients — but going into the hospital to get the care you need is NOT crossing our strike line. In fact, we invite you to come join us on the strike line after you've gotten the care you need.