I had to read all the way down to Professor Reynolds' question to learn that the answer is "no"

I thought it might have com4e from here


AMERICAN HIGHER EDUCATION IN A NUTSHELL: Harvard Student Leaves Lecture On Microaggressions To Attend ‘Kill The Jews’ Rally.

The University happily hosted the rally for mass murder and rape after being assured that no one would be misgendered. “Hate speech has no place here at Harvard,” assured President Claudine Gay. “We affirm everyone’s right, regardless of gender, to feel safe to express their deep hatred and longing to kill Jewish people. That’s why Harvard is more than a school – it’s a family.”

A group effort, the “Kill the Jews” rally was lovingly organized by the Palestine Solidarity Committee with help from the Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Studentenbund. The rally’s aim is to spread awareness of the plight of the Palestinian people who currently have to live in a world where Jewish people are alive and breathing.

Is the Babylon Bee even a satire site anymore?