How is this any different from what our own government did?

FTC sues peddler of ineffective “invisible” COVID masks. What’s next, will they sue the CDC and its vaccine masters?

The Federal Trade Commission has filed an enforcement suit to stop the makers of the '1 Virus Buster Invisible Mask' from falsely claiming that wearing the badge-like device protects against COVID-19 and other viruses.

The FTC suit names KW Technologies and founders Gary Kong and Timothy Wetzel, seeking to ban them from making unsupported health claims about their so-called Invisible Mask.

Marketing materials show that the gizmo is not a mask at all, but rather card or badge that can be clipped to a pocket or worn on a lanyard.

The crooks’ “Virus Buster” was no less effective than the ubiquitous paper surgeons’ masks we were all forced to wear, or the cloth diapers that were knowingly foisted on the public by the CDC and NIH.