Yes, there are still plenty of buyers out looking, even in this traditionally slow period.

Case in point, Brother Gideon’s listing at 195 Palmer Hill Road, which he and his fellow Houlihan playmates priced at $2.195. The house has a full, flat acre with beautiful landscaping, and is set far back from the road. Put on the market last Thursday and shown that day to fellow agents on the grand agent tour, the first public open house was held last Saturday. 30 people came through, a number of offers came in, and it’s my belief, although Gideon won’t confirm it, that a very acceptable offer has been sent off to the lawyers for preparation of a contract.

That’s not unique; in the current market, any reasonably priced house should be gone by the first or, latest, second weekend. As I’ve said before, it’s a great time to be a seller, and a tough time to be buying.