Of course not; he's a Democrat

Election denier Jamal Bowman will escape censure by his fellow Democrats: “it was inadvertent”, House Minority leader “explains”.


Rep. Jamaal Bowman took down emergency exit signs before “accidentally” pulling fire alarm: video

Before Rep. Jamaal Bowman “accidentally” activated a fire alarm and forced the evacuation of a House office building last month, the far-left lawmaker hastily removed two emergency exit signs from nearby doors, footage released Thursday revealed.

The 47-year-old Bronx and Westchester Democrat then made his way to the alarm on the nearby wall and yanked it before turning on his heel and walking away — still holding one of the signs — rather than trying to go out through the door as he initially claimed.

The video, made public hours after Bowman pleaded guilty to one misdemeanor count of falsely pulling a fire alarm, disproves his version of the Sept. 30 debacle.

“I was trying to get to a door. I thought the alarm would open the door, and I pulled the fire alarm to open the door by accident,” Bowman said at the time.

“I was just trying to get to my vote and the door that’s usually open wasn’t open, it was closed.”

But the footage shows the opposite of Bowman’s version of events. As National Review Online editor Philip Klein put it: “He didn’t pull the fire alarm to open the door; he tried to open the door to sound the fire alarm.”