New listing in Riverside

Someone has purchased an older, 1979 house on a back lot at 10 Lockwood Road, “gut renovated” it, transformed it into an Upper East Side apartment in spirit if not location, and has put it on the market priced at $3.495 million.

Meh — it might sell, though I wonder whether the builder erred in cramming 6 bedrooms: one in the cellar, one master bedroom upstairs, and four 10’ x 11’ mini-dens into a 2-lb blivet; do the New York achievers, who, presumably are the demographic the builder is aiming for, really need or want such a warren of bedrooms? They have one child, possibly plan for a second, no more, and, of course, will want a nanny au pair stuffed in the basement. That should suffice.

The claimed square footage here is 3,700, but at least a third of that is underground; I’d have devoted the remaining space to fewer, but larger bedrooms, but that’s just an opinion — as always, it’s the market that decides these things, not curmudgeonly bloggers or anyone else who isn’t actually interested in buying a house in this range, in this neighborhood.

But it’s fun to do it anyway.