The Russians are going, the Russians are going; in fact, they're finally gone. Or one set of these Dasputins is, anyway.

The long, drawn-out squabble between two Russian couples, former friends, has ended with the eviction of one couple on November 30, and possession of the premises awarded the other that same day, so 969 North Street is back on the market, this time for $7.9 million, instead of the $7.3 that the first Ivans wanted in June.

Who can tell what this place will finally sell for, if it sells at all? Its price has ranged up and down over the years, beginning at $12.750 in 2005, dropping to as low as $4.950 in 2020, then jumping to $5.850 in January 2021, and $7.3 the following June.

So go figure.

The listing photos aren’t up yet, so here are some from the last one — I doubt anything’s changed dramatically for the better, because people facing eviction rarely invest in major improvements.