The question I have is whether these people are unaware of the insurrection they're going to trigger, or is that their plan?

Maine Secretary of State disenfranchises half of all Maine voters.

I discussed this with a few friends this evening, and their fury was something to behold.

The Secretary, Sheena Bellows, is a failed senatorial candidate who is still desperate to gain higher office. The woman who beat her, Republican Susan Collins, is expected to retire at the end of her term, and Bellows wants that job. To do that, she needs the full support of Maine’s far-left Democrats (that would be all of them), so by jumping ahead of any U.S. Supreme Court decision on this disqualification issue she gains, if only for a day, national prominence, future PAC money, and “looks tough” to her fellow communists. That she would put personal ambition ahead of the best interests of her state and her country was entirely predictable.

(Update) It occurs to me that there may be two things going on here: a hatred of Trump so intense that his enemies can’t see beyond their narrow focus on the man and miss the larger picture of what they’re doing to the country; the other is more Machiavellian — the Democrat “brains” realize that Biden will lose to almost any Republican, but might, just might edge out Trump. Their only hope for victory is if Trump is the nominee, so all of this circus is being done precisely to split the country and stir up such anger among Republicans and Democrats that the former will choose Trump to express their outrage at what’s being done to the man, and the latter will swarm out from under their rocks and head to the polls to destroy the evil Orange Man. So far, that seems to be working.

UPDATE: Nice photo in The Maine Wire perfectly captures the spirit of this Venezuelan wannabe: