Was this wrong? Should they not have done this? It all depends on the context.

glenn Reynolds: A bunch of frat guys holding up numbered cards to rate passing coeds would probably generate more outrage than Hamas has.

Women raped by Hamas were found with nails driven into their thighs and vagina and were passed around by terrorists who slaughtered them after or even during gang-rape, horrifying new witness accounts of October 7 reveal

Images shown to the New York Times by Israeli authorities allegedly [sic] showed a woman who had dozens of nails driven into her thighs and vagina in a savage example of genital mutilation, while other clips displayed the corpses of soldiers and civilians alike who had been either shot or stabbed in the groin.

Another dark image dubbed 'the woman in the black dress' showed the corpse of an Israeli later identified as Gal Abdush.

She is seen splayed on the floor, legs wrenched apart with her vagina exposed, and covered in burns. Her lifeless body was crumpled in the dirt next to the husk of a heavily damaged car riddled with bullet holes. 

Both Gal and her husband were slaughtered by Hamas as they tried in vain to escape along highway Route 232, away from the Nova music festival massacre. Their sons, Eliav, 10, and Refael, 7, have been left orphaned. 

Meanwhile, several witnesses described seeing many other women raped and killed on Route 232, with soldiers and investigators claiming they discovered bodies around the Nova festival ground who showed signs of abuse in and around their genitals, the New York Times reported. 

One witness, named only as Sapir, said she watched in horror from a hiding place in the shrubs just off Route 232 as Hamas gunmen gang-raped several women, stabbing them in the back when they protested and cutting off their breasts. 

'One continues to rape her, and the other throws her breast to someone else, and they play with it, throw it, and it falls on the road,' Sapir said. 

And from Legal Insurrection:

… The New York Times report, which took over two months to compile, relies on video footage, photographs, GPS data, and interviews with more than 150 people including soldiers, witnesses, survivors, and volunteer medics. It documents instances of gang rape, genital mutilation, and other brutal abuses of women and young girls.

Israeli soldiers and medics found over 30 bodies of women and girls near the site of the Supernova music festival massacre who had signs of abuse in their genital areas, according to the investigation.

The Times said it had identified at least seven locations where women and children appear to have been sexually tortured, including multiple kibbutzim such as Kfar Aza and Be’eri.

Times‘ reporters viewed images showing a woman with nails drilled into her thighs and groin areas and of female soldiers at an overrun military base who appeared to have been shot in their vaginas.

Two therapists who spoke with the Times said a woman who survived the music festival massacre — in which over 300 people were murdered and dozens taken hostage — had been gang raped by Hamas terrorists and is currently incapable of speaking about the instance with reporters or investigators.

The piece includes a quote from Mirit Ben Mayor, a police chief superintendent, who said that the Hamas terrorists were motivated by a combination of two hatreds: “the hatred for Jews and the hatred for women.”

The report is one of the most detailed English-language accounts of what Israeli officials have been saying for months: that instances of sexual violence on Oct. 7 were widespread. Since then, Israeli investigators have been slowly compiling evidence of sexual atrocities in preparation for possible war crimes prosecution.

Since the documented sexual violence on Oct. 7, much of the world’s reaction has been muted, particularly from international women’s groups and the United Nations.

United Nations Women — the UN agency for gender equality and women’s empowerment — released on Nov. 25 its first statement about the gender-based violence carried out on Oct. 7 — 50 days after the onslaught took place. A week later, on Dec. 1, the agency condemned for the first time ever the Hamas attacks, in which Palestinian terrorists murdered 1,200 people, mostly civilians, across southern Israel and abducted 200 others as hostages to Gaza.

There have been calls to have UN Women disbanded for waiting so long to comment on the sexual violence, and earlier this month, Israeli actress Gal Gadot slammed the international community for staying quiet about the sexual abuse women experienced at the hands of Hamas.

Accounts of sexual violence against Israelis are not limited to Oct. 7.

Two Israeli doctors who treated freed hostages, as well as an Israeli military official familiar with the matter, confirmed to American newspaper USA Today that some released women revealed that they had suffered violent sexual assaults in captivity. All three spoke on condition of anonymity.

One of the doctors said that among those aged 12 to 48, many of the 30 suffered sexual assault during their captivity at the hands of Hamas in Gaza.

There are more excerpts from the Times report and survivors here, but how much of this can you stand?