The country's path to destruction, not just California's, because this is being repeated in all fifty states

California’s Path to Destruction

John Hinderaker:

At Watts Up With That, Paul Homewood analyzes California’s “green” energy mandate, which contemplates both that all electricity will be obtained from “green” sources, and pretty much everything will be electrified. Even a cursory look at the numbers confirms that it can’t be done.

“Currently, California’s energy comes overwhelmingly from fossil fuels. Wind and solar are footnotes”

“The inherent intermittency of wind makes it ridiculous to rely on wind turbines”

… [T]hen we come to “storage batteries,” the fairy dust that liberals use to wish away the unsolvable problem of weather-dependent intermittency. How much would the batteries cost? Homewood works it out at around $100 billion a year. The California Energy Commission’s cost estimates assume that the cost of battery storage will fall by two-thirds from current prices. Why? Because of rising demand!

Communists have always ignored, or were ignorant of,, the most basic law of economics

“and Never mind the skyrocketing price of lithium”