I was wrong, so congratulations. Contract in 15 days

From February 8th:

Here’s what I posted then about 21 Roosevelt Avenue, which is now under contract. Nothing to add, really, except that yes, inventory is really, really thin.

21 Roosevelt Avenue, Old Greenwich, sold for $1.875 million in 2020. Although it was built relatively recently in 2006, the new owners brought in Hobbs, one of our best builders, to renovate it last year and have now placed it back on the market for a million dollars more, $2.895. They may get it, but I don’t see a mad rush of buyers coming out of the woodwork here and throwing over-ask bids at it. Then again, where’s the inventory?

As noted, Hobbs is a great company and does top-quality work, but will a new kitchen and redone master bedroom suite really add a million dollars to this home’s value? I haven’t seen the house, and pictures aren’t up yet, so I’m going on the numbers here: It’s still got roughly 2,600 sq. feet up, and 1,000 sq. ft. in the basement, and the lot is still just 0.17, so how much new granite and gold-plated bathroom fixtures must be added to push a price up this high?