And another new listing, this one in Riverside

93 Riverside Avenue, $2.2 million. Built in 1872, it’s been the home of a great family for the past 35 years, and I’m sorry to see that they’re moving on. It’s my kind of house, and I’ll keep my fingers crossed that it will attract another young family rather than a builder.

Uh oh

Mrs. Owner is in publishing and is used to the sight of books, but young people are often terrified at the sight of such strange objects and run screaming from rooms when they encounter them (the nice young couple who bought our home on Gilliam Lane had all the bookshelves: library; living room; top of the stairs; and bedrooms torn out. “The man doing the work asked me, ‘lady, these are all custom-made shelves — you sure you don’t want to save some?’ “But what would we do with bookshelves?” she chirped. Precisely.) An experienced listing agent, as this one is, will probably drape them during showings.

While we’re on pet peeves, by the way, the link here goes to Zillow, rather than the listing broker Hooligans & Lawyers’ own site because Hooligan stubbornly insists on adhering to its policy, “we will post no listing before its time”, which is usually a week or two after a property hits the market. I don’t understand why; I just report it.