Modest entrance price for Riverside SoPo


11 Somerset Lane, $1.450 million. Somerset’s an okay road: nice neighbors; on the right side of the Post Road; easy walk to train and schools; and somewhat muffled I-95 noise. It was built, like most (all?) of the hoes in this development in 1951, though its kitchen appears to have been redone in the 80s, and the interior looks pleasant.

Listing broker Coldwell Banker claims 3,293 sq.ft while the Greenwich MLS and the tax card show just 2,016, so bring a tape measure and see who’s right. Same thing for the one-car garage: Coldwell claims “parking for three”, which can probably best be interpreted as “one car in, two on the street”. Your definition of “parking” may differ.

There is, according to the listing, “a solar-assisted electric hot water heater” and that may well be true, but a pair of small, tree-shaded panels on the east and west roof faces, respectively, will probably not contribute much to your electricity costs; looking at the pictures, you might be better off ripping off the solar panels and investing in a new roof.

All that said, this isn’t a bad price for this section of Riverside.


(North is at the top of this mAP)