Chickens, roost come home to

Augusta, Maine

Last June, Portland Maine raised its property tax 4.8% to cover the increased cost of housing and feeding the swarms of Biden’s admittees and homeless that the residents invited to their city. This week, the city announced an additional 9.3% tax hike to pay for the schooling of the children those immigrants have brought with them.

It’s not just Portland that’s now paying for its largess, every town behind the TOFU Line* is suffering. Last March, this story appeared in the Portland Press:

Inflation, enrollment spike could result in ‘staggering’ school budget increase in Brunswick

The Brunswick School District's preliminary 2024 budget proposal, which includes pay bumps and contingency funds to support up to 100 new students from asylum-seeking families, would raise property taxes by nearly 10%.

The balance of the proposed increase is mostly aimed at supporting Brunswick’s growing population of multilingual learners and students with individualized education programs, Potenziano said. In the last five years, the number of Brunswick students whose first language isn’t English has nearly quintupled to 80, and the district projects that figure to reach 190 students by October.

If Biden wants to bring in another 10 million illiterate, unvaccinated voters, it would be less harmful if the newcomers were permanently confined to the sanctuary cities and towns whose residents want to shoulder the burden of carrying for them in perpetuity, but no law permits such a restriction, nor should it, so either we return to enforcing immigration laws, or we’re screwed.

*BTW, Maine has just forced a vegan resident to give up his vanity plate, “LUVTOFU”, out of fear that it might be interpreted as referring to “an inappropriate act”.

that’s a BMW, not a pickup. Just sayin’