As Maine goes, so goes the nation

At the direction of the state’s Attorney General, Maine Schools have created mini-Red Guard student teams to crush all signs of heterodoxy.

Megan Fox: A school system in Maine has instituted its own burgeoning Red Guard called the “Civil Rights Team.” This benign-sounding organization of kids is supposed to ensure that student rights are upheld. What has happened instead led to parents sounding off at the latest school board meeting to complain that the Civil Rights Team is just a bullying organization with an agenda. The Maine Wire covered the story:

Kristen Day said students affiliated with one of RSU 14’s Civil Rights Teams harassed her daughter. When her daughter refused to speak about her sexuality, two students affiliated with the club began to bully her and call her homophobic.

“They insisted she was gay because she dressed gay and listened to gay music,” Day said of her daughter, who was a 7th grader at the time of the alleged harassment.

“She was then called homophobic because she wasn’t at least bi,” Day said.

“She’s not political, but she does not want to talk about her sexuality in school,” she said.

Day went on to describe how the CRT (Is it a coincidence that their acronym mirrors Critical Race Theory?) founded by the Maine Attorney General’s office, pressured the kids into wearing pronoun pins.

Civil Rights Teams (CRTs) operate in Maine schools as a project of the Maine Attorney General’s Office, and the nominal goal of the student organizations is to reduce “bias-motivated” bullying and harassment in schools.

Day said her daughter was harassed about her sexuality by students affiliated with the school’s CRT under the pretext of opening a discussion about student sexuality.

CRT members also created surveys for their peers to take with questions about sexuality and gender, and they pressured them to don “pronoun” pins, Day said.

In fact, the war on the entire country’s children has been going on for a long time now; it’s just accelerating as the communists scent victory.

[A]n editorial today in Issues & Insights suggests that, between the Pandemic, masking, virtual classrooms, incessant indoctrination about racism and sexuality, and transgenderism, it’s becoming clear to everyone that the Left is waging ideological war on the children.

“According to ​​an online medical journal, the University of Calgary has determined there was a spike ‘in emergency department visits for attempted suicide and suicide ideation among children and adolescents’ during the period of ‘social isolation’ that coincides with the pandemic lockdowns. The university conducted a meta-analysis of 42 studies representing more than 11 million pediatric emergency department visits in 18 countries, and compared ‘the data on visits prior to the pandemic with those that took place during the pandemic, up to July 2021.’

“Researchers found ‘a 22 percent increase in children and adolescents going to emergency departments for suicide attempts, and an 8 percent increase in visits for suicide ideation,’ even though there was ‘a 32 percent reduction in pediatric emergency department visits for any health-related reasons during the pandemic.’”