He's curled up in a fetal position at Walter Reed, his stand-in wife's vacationing in Canada, so how was this possible? His chief of staff won't say.

I don’t know, it’s a mystery

Don’t think that we won’t soon be seeing this same thing from the White House

Fetterman co-sponsored legislation? How?

Yesterday, the Democrats made a startling announcement, which was reported by the Pennsylvania Capital-Star.

U.S. Sens. Bob Casey and John Fetterman of Pennsylvania joined a bipartisan group of senators on Wednesday introducing new legislation aimed at preventing future freight train derailments like the one last month in East Palestine, Ohio.

How, exactly, did Lurch manage to communicate with his handlers to sign on to this bill, and is he even aware that he supposedly did? They won’t tell you. According to Fetterman’s Chief of Staff Adam Jentleson, questions like this are mean, cruel, and not what’s on real Pennsylvanians’ minds.

And when pressed, Jentleson doubled-down