Lesson learned too late? (Updated)

Trump vows to “shatter the deep state” and the Daily Mail provides a summary:

‘First, I will immediately re-issue my 2020 Executive Order restoring the president's authority to remove rogue bureaucrats. And I will wield that power very aggressively.' [unfortunately, he only issued that order in October, 2020, and it was immediately reversed by Biden when he took office 3 months later — FWIW.]

He promised to overhaul institutions that have been 'weaponized,' move key institutions outside of the 'Washington swamp,' crackdown on government leakers, and to set up 'truth and reconciliation commission' to expose deep state spying

'Fourth, to expose the hoaxes and abuses of power that have been tearing our country apart, we will establish a truth and reconciliation commission to declassify and publish all documents on deep state spying, censorship, and corruption, and there are plenty of them,' he said. 

'Fifth, we will launch a major crackdown on government leakers who collude with the fake news to deliberately weave false narratives and to subvert our government and our democracy. When possible, we will press criminal charges.

'Sixth, we will make every inspector general's office independent and physically separated from the departments they oversee so they do not become the protectors of the deep state.'

All that’s encouraging, because we need a wildfire to sweep through Washington, and Trump is, understandably, afire with vengeance against the lilliputians who tied him to the ground and destroyed his presidency. But no sooner did he announce this bold plan of action than he strayed off course, returned to his normal, bloated egomaniacal self, and set about lashing at his assumed primary opponents. The man can’t stay on point; never has, and never will.

Unfortunately, DeSantos has begun sounding, at least to my ear, like just another conventional milquetoast Republican, a man without the fury to bring about a structural transformation of the government that has descended on us, so I don’t know where that leaves us. And it probably doesn’t matter anyway, because much of the change will depend on the cooperation of Congress, and the chances of those people abandoning their lobbyists’ money and suddenly discovering both principles and backbones is nil.

If, through some miracle, a true champion appears, I hope he brings in our own Publius to run things and direct the course of the Republic. Here’s what that wise man wrote in the comments the other day, before Trump had announced his own agenda:


A President that wants to "drain the swamp" has to pull all levers all the time and use the courts to tie up the administrative class and ultimately get these issues before SCOTUS ( overturn Chevron v NRDC (1984)). Submit budgets that shrink all these departments, hiring freezes, salary freezes, return to office 5 days a week, rubber rooms if necessary. Don't hold press conferences or tweet or do the Sunday shows...... just do it and make it routine. Start the process of closing down departments ( Education and Energy) and take the issue all the way to SCOTUS.... just do it, don't ask a Washington insider for advice. Eliminate DHS and start a new parallel FBI and then close down the FBI. Have 1 intelligence agency ( there are several) and clean house. If a person who has clearance working for the government and they leave that role/government, clearance is automatically suspended or revoked just like the private sector. If you can't find a Cabinet head that has your back, leave it open and have the head of the agency report directly to POTUS. If they disobey a direct order/request, fire them and keep going until you find someone that can follow orders. If you can't fire the department head, send them to the rubber room.... 5 days a week, 8 hours a day, no personal electronic devices. Let them sit and rot. Monitor all computer activity and if any government worker spends time outside of their work applications, fire them. (During the pandemic about 25% of HHS employees working remotely never logged into their systems). If necessary take any lawsuits about firings to SCOTUS ( the DC circuit is hard left). Trump was a naive fool because it was clear early on ( 2017) that the Swamp was out to get him.... but he did not do anything until 3 years later. His advisers were all backstabbers.... and he did not see that.

You have to be like the hard leftists, use every means possible, start immediately and work 24/7/365 and keep at it until the final whistle blows, have the courage of your convictions and don't let anyone tell you differently. Anyone who has served in Washington DC in whatever capacity is prima facie guilty of an insider swamp animal regardless of party or any other philosophical marker.... George S. Patton should be your hero....

Update: As I was saying … Just when he had the public behind him, he does this:

The man is too crazy to be elected, period.