Does anyone remember the Episcopal church?

For reasons of her own, EOS visited the website of the Episcopal Diocese of NYC’s website and fled, but not without bringing out a recording of the last remnants of this once-Christian organization celebrating self-flagellation and onanism, “An apology for Slavery”. What fun!

Watch as Africans take the pulpit not, as you might suppose, to confess the sins of their forefathers, who captured other Africans and sold them to Portuguese slavers, but to delight and pleasure their white audience by recounting tales of woe about the fate of those captives in the new world. See white lesbian preachers scratch their faces and pluck their eyes out as acts of contrition, fat men in dresses — transvestites, transgenders, or just ordinary, gluttonous priests wearing traditional garb is unclear — , a Japanese lady, who is either begging forgiveness for the Rape of Nanking or blaming America for it — again, it’s unclear — and swarms of wild dancers flailing their arms about and flopping on the floor in rapturous ecstasy, all accompanied by an entire chorus of hand-signers, translating the ceremony in English, Swahili, Urdu, and Esperanto.

I’ll admit that I only sampled this confused cornucopia of confession and ceremony, but I’m sure the entire 2 1/2-hour performance is not to be missed. Go watch, and report back, if you wish.