OUT: Campus sexual assaults are bad. IN: Lie back and enjoy it, you racist

Way back in 2015 …..

1 in 4 Women Experience Sex Assault on Campus

Sep 22, 2015 In four years of college, more than one-fourth of undergraduate women at a large group of leading universities said they had been sexually assaulted by force or when they were...

NOW: Fear of rape is a White, Republican woman thing

Rachel Smilan-Goldstein, a PhD candidate at the University of Virginia, recently published a paper arguing that many women's fear of being sexually assaulted is connected to their being "White" or "Republican," blaming those women for upholding "state institutions that enact violence.”

The University of Virginia Department of Politics prominently features Smilan-Goldstein’s research on its page showcasing graduate student publications.

[RELATED: EXCLUSIVE: Adelphi University won't discriminate by 'sex offender status,' according to flyer]

In one section, Smilan-Goldstein argues that “women fear sexual violence as a direct result of gendered, racialized power relations.” 

Throughout the article, Smilan-Goldstein attempts to tie racist attitudes to fear of rape. From these premises, Smilan-Goldstein hypothesizes that fear of rape will cause women, particularly White and Republican women, to support police at greater rates and to feel more comfortable around them.

This support for police, she goes on to argue, is problematic. 


OUT: limp, weak liberal females.

IN: This: