Coming to a kindergarten near you: the "objectum sexual gender"

Sarah Rodo, of Dortmund, Germany, is in a sexual relationship with a 737, and who’s to gainsay her?

Despite their many trips together, Sarah, who identifies as objectum sexual [having a sexual or romantic attraction to an inanimate object], is heartbroken that she's never been fully alone with her partner.

Sarah said: 'I'm proud to be objectum sexual – it's a wonderful sexuality, the only sad thing is that I can't be alone with a real plane.

'I flew a lot in the last year to be with the Boeing as often as I possibly could, I took about 30 flights and always combined it with a city trip or vacation.

Now that we’ve dispensed with biology and gone with “feelings”, why the hell not airplanes? Forget visits to strip clubs and drag queen reading hours, they’re passé; our educators have moved on to the next, bigger transitioning lesson: