We can safely assume this is a typo

Bank-owned 3 Finney Knoll, NoPo, is reported as sold for $11.250 million on an asking price of $725,000. Given the quality of broker representation for this property, a typo in reporting is entirely in character.

The place did go to “highest and best”, so it seems likely that someone paid $1.250 for it, more fool, he. Two of my own clients passed on this disaster, but obviously, others saw its charms. The structure is burdened with a requirement that the original 1800’s house be retained, so the builder — used in the most generous sense — slapped on a new structure in front that was poorly constructed and done without building permits, and then lived in by said builder, along with his huge dogs, for 8 years before the bank finally foreclosed and got them out of there. Neither the dogs nor the owner saw a need to remove the garbage from the house during their tenancy, so still, a piquant aroma lingers. The only working bath, by the way, is a showerhead in the kitchen.

$1.125 for teardown (assuming the new owner can persuade the town to drop the requirement to keep the wreck attached to the rear) overlooking Balducci’s parking lot? It might actually make sense, eventually, because a new house here might sell for as much as $3 million — might — but it’s going to be a long road from here to there.